Page 5 - Crappie NOW - June 2019
P. 5


    cast it out according to the factors of the lake
    as  mentioned  above.  While  keeping  close                 An umbrella and sun screen will help the
    watch on that float, you can fan cast a jig in               comfort level on a hot day while fishing from
    another area away from the float.                                                 the bank.

        Fan casting is a technique that allows you             caught can scatter fish away from that area
    to cast numerous times in different directions             by a few feet. So, if you caught the first one
    covering more water.  A simple method to                   at 10:30, cast to 10 and 11 and then move
    remember is 10—2. Picture a clock on the                   inward back to 10:30.
    water. 12 is dead ahead of you on the water.
    Make your first cast at 10. Then 10:30, 11,                    b. Where  allowed,  use  multiple  float,
    11:30 and so on until you reach 2. Then take               sinker  and  hook  rod  set—ups.  Put  them
    five or six steps to the left or right and repeat          apart  from  each  other  at  different  depths.
    the process.                                               The deepest should be the furthest cast in
                                                               the center of your clock. The next one should
        Once you catch the first fish, keep casting            be shallower by six inches to a foot on the
    in the same general direction. Most fish will              left or right of the center rod and the third
    group together and you can catch a few in                  one  (if  law  permits)  should  be  even  more
    one spot. But, don’t cast in the exact spot                shallow  and  placed  on  the  right  or  left  of
    you caught the first fish. Go on either side               center. So, you have one at 12, one at 11 or
    of that spot. The disruption of the first fish             11:30 and one at 12:30 or 1. This will cover

                                                5 Crappie NOW June 2019
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