April 2022


The Impact of Modern Equipment

Technology in sports, especially fishing, has garnered a lot of attention over time. Live sonar has significantly impacted the fishing world, especially in the techniques and skills anglers use with it. The real question is: Is technology destroying our fishery populations or is harvesting levels the issue?

When I started fishing in the sixties, we fished from the bank, canoe, or jon boat with bamboo poles, steel rods and reels, sticks for poles and cord for line. Electronics did not play a role in our fishing and catching. We had to use instinct and lessons learned overtime to fit the conditions and the waters we fished. We caught a lot of fish.

American Crappie Trail Championship Results

Riser and Fields Take Home the ACT Championship by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor   The 2021 American Crappie Trail Championship event was held on Lake D’Arbonne in Mississippi March 24-26. The top 100 anglers in the overall points stands at the end of the regular season qualified for the Championship. At the end of Day […]

Cold Facts

Terry Blankenship with proof-positive that spring crappie can still be caught when those pesky cold fronts come through.   The Cold Facts About the Crappie Spawn by Brent Frazee   It was one of those, ”You-should-have-been-here-yesterday” moments. The day before, spring was in full swing.  A warm breeze pushed the temperature into the 70s, and […]

Berkley Line Management

The knots you tie in your fishing line will always be the weakest link in the chain. Tie carefully or face losing the fish of a lifetime. (Photo: Richard Simms)   Crappie Basics: Tying Better Knots   The best anglers in the world make a habit of doing things right. They keep their gear in […]

Reading Red Skies

A recent “red sky” sunrise over Tennessee was clearly indicative of approaching storms, and the truth about a well-known warning for sailors. (Photo: Richard Simms)   Crappie Basics: Red sky at morning – you know the rest Most people now the short little common rhyme, “Red sky at night, sailors’ delight. Red sky at morning, […]

Michigan a place to get away

Joel Nelson says northern lakes are plentiful, so they are usually less crowded. Crappie are in most waters, usually predictable and can be caught. (Photo: Tim Huffman)     Gaylord, Michigan for Fishing and Fun by Tim Huffman Michigan has good crappie fishing, but you don’t hear much about it. Walleye and smallmouth are king, […]

Exceptional Crappie Angler

Dan Druschel (left) and Gus Glasgow (right) show off four large crappies from their First Place catch at a Pennsylvania tournament in late summer.   Spotlight on Gus Glasgow by Darl Black     One of the top competitive crappie fishermen in Pennsylvania these days is a former bass tournament angler. After more than a […]

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors by Larry Whiteley   TIME FOR TAXES   As you fill out your tax returns this month or pay to have them done, I thought you might like to know where some of your hard-earned dollars go when the government gets them from you. $384,989 of our tax dollars was spent on […]

Hot Crappie Team

There is no shortage of photos showing Hayden Jeffries and his Dad, Dan, holding first place trophies in crappie tournaments. In-depth with the Hottest Crappie Team in the Country by Bernard Williams, Magnolia Crappie Club Hayden & Dan Jeffries – Part 1   Over the years, I’ve seen excellent crappie fishing teams come on the […]

Vernon’s Recipes: Crappie With Homemade Condiments

  Crappie with Homemade Condiments by Vernon Summerlin   In my experience, salt finds its way into most recipes. Salt has been pivotal to civilization. What is now thought to have been the first city in Europe, Solnitsata, Bulgaria, where they mined salt and provided the area now known as the Balkans with the mineral […]

Fishing High Water

When water levels rise into the grass and woody cover, the crappie often move there with the rising water. (Photo: Ron Wong)   Tracking Crappie Down in Rising Water by Ron Wong April showers brings May flowers.  April showers also causes all lakes, rivers and ponds to rise.  In many Corp of Engineers or Tennessee […]

Live Scanning Imaging Sonar

Phased Arrays Scanning Sonar for Live Scanning Imaging of Fish and Structure by Brad Wiegmann In the beginning sonar was based on a single acoustic wave being sent out from a transducer into the water below the boat bouncing off objects such as trees, rocks and fish. These single pings were then translated and recorded [...]

Be Unique: Fish Different Structures

Be unique and fish different structures. Find the ones that stand out and you might find more fish.  

Adding a Split Shot Weight

Add a split shot weight to your line on those windy days and get your bait down to the crappie faster.
