3-Inch Swim Senko Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits The 3-inch Swim Senko is the smallest in this body style. It provides a small bait for larger fish species and a large bait for crappie fishermen. Crappie fishermen will enjoy using the bait because it offers a do-nothing type body but has an action paddle fin tail. Eased along when slow trolling, it has little or no action but a nice, large profile. When moved a little faster or jigged up and down, the tail vibrates creating motion and displacing water. The best times to use the bait is when fishing a big-crappie lake or any time the shad size matches the shad. Also, the bait can be shortened to match any other situation making it a great multi-purpose crappie jig body. Colors are brilliant. MSRP is $3.39 for package of 10. www.baits.com.
Gamma Co-Polymer Line Black Knight Industries All lines are not created equal and Gamma co-polymer is a good example. Owner Dale Black says the line is actually similar to others before it goes through the special Gamma processing. Their patented process breaks down the long chain molecules and creates millions of intermolecular bonds. This creates a structure of the material that is more entangled and cross-linked creating a more user-friendly line. After processing, the molecularly altered filaments have many unique features including flexibility, shock resistance, strength, abrasion resistance and low memory. It provides the crappie fisherman with more accurate casts, natural presentations and great fish fighting capability. MSRP:120 yd spool, $4.95. 1100-yd refill spool $27.95. www.blackknightindustries.com.
Hide-a-Hook Bobber Shakespeare There’s nothing better for a kid than to see a bobber disappear under the water. The 2012 ICAST award winner for Best Kids Tackle is okay for adults but an important, key product for kids. The Hide-A-Hook bobber puts adult minds at ease because there is less fear of getting stuck by a flailing, exposed hook on the end of the child’s fishing rod. It’s safer for the kid, too. The hook goes up into the bobber making the point less accessible and safe for casting. The bobber kit comes with a rod, spincast reel, two pre-rigged Hide-a-Hook Bobbers, hard tackle box, rigging guide, extra jig heads and bobber stops. MSRP $19.99. A 3-pack of Bobbers, as shown here, has a MSRP of $4.99. www.shakespeare-fishing.com.