Shooting boat docks is an outstanding summer technique, but when fishing clear water it is wise to stay farther away from the dock than you might in dingy water. (Photo: Richard Simms)
Crappie Tips: Clear Water Tactics
by Tim Huffman
Clear water crappie fishing is tougher simply because crappie are spookier. Special tactics can be required for success.
When trolling or spider-rigging in relatively shallow water, using longer rods – 16 to 20 feet – can help ensure crappie see your lures or minnows before they get spooked by the boat.
Jigging in deeper water is another option. Rod length may not matter as much, especially in water 15 or more feet deep. Deep brush piles are prime summer holding areas and jigs might work best because they are easier to work through the brush. However, in clear water sometimes crappie demand live bait.
Finally, single-pole fishing and shooting boat docks is an excellent technique in clear or dingy water. But in clear water you are wise to stay farther away from whatever dock you are fishing which requires more expertise to shoot your jig into those hard-to-reach spots.
More on this and other great tips available in the book “Limiting Out for Crappie.”