CrappieNOW is an unrivaled destination for passionate crappie anglers searching for information on new crappie fishing tips and techniques, destinations, products, recent events, and the latest news from industry leading professionals.
We are more than a magazine. CrappieNOW provides outreach to the crappie community through its multimedia content. We are a resource for crappie clubs, tournament anglers, and most importantly, recreational crappie anglers. CrappieNOW content includes stories, profiles, regular columns, product reviews, photos, and videos that highlight the sport of crappie fishing.
We forecast more than one (1) million crappie related interactions per year via the web, social media and YouTube.
CrappieNOW Features:
- Timely articles about how to fish for crappie.
- Advanced Tactics and Techniques by well-known experts.
- Crappie articles from some of the best writers in the country.
- Destination articles to help with your crappie fishing vacation.
- Video crappie fishing/boating tips in each issue