Dec 2023



It is hard to believe that another year is almost in the books.  It seems as I get older and fill up my calendar with all the fishing related things I do, time just evaporates.  As it pertains to the CrappieNOW virtual world, the team and you the reader/watcher have seen an explosion of quick and easy content this year.  The result, our reach to more of you has doubled over last year.

Expanding our content and its availability for both the fisher person and the industry sponsor is a win-win.  We doubled our social media team, increased our channels, analyzed and targeted feature articles, videos and reels to teach everyone on the move in their daily lives.  We applied the K. I. S.  (Keep it simple) approach.  We bridged products to techniques that anyone can use, especially for the recreational fisher person.

A Guide to Hiring a Guide, by Brent Frazee

Veteran guide Steve Blake, the author, and his granddaughter, Caty Franklin, were all smiles after a successful trip on Truman Lake in Missouri.     A Guide to Hiring a Guide by Brent Frazee Some of you have put your rods and reels away and closed the books on the 2023 fishing season. But it […]

Build Your Own Ace in the Hole, by Steve McCadams

Sometimes you can catch them in open water, but it is no secret that in general, crappie prefer having their noses buried in a brush pile. And if you know exactly where those brush piles are, it increases your crappie-catching odds tremendously. (Photo: Richard Simms)   Build Your Own Ace in the Hole by Steve [...]

Breaking the Rules for More Crappie, by Tim Huffman

Dan Dannenmueller said electronics are great tools, but a fisherman can also catch fish the old fashioned way. Minnows are an important part of the combination when fishing slowly. (Photo: Tim Huffman)   Breaking the Rules for More Crappie by Tim Huffman   There are basic rules-of-thumb we all use when fishing for crappie. For […]

Cold Days on Quiet Waters, by Keith Sutton

Bundled up against winter’s cold, the author’s fishing party enjoys the season’s peace while waiting for a bite on Arkansas’ Lake Greeson. (Photo: Keith Sutton)   Cold Days on Quiet Waters by Keith Sutton   It’s cold today on 7,000-acre Lake Greeson west of Hot Springs, Arkansas. Think Antarctica. In winter. At night. My fishing […]

Crappie Basics: Winter Float & Fly, by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor

Alabama crappie guide Lee Pitts demonstrates how he casts a float & fly – one of his favorite December crappie-catching techniques.   Crappie Basics: Winter Float & Fly by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor It may not be true everywhere, but in many southern reservoirs, crappie don’t always retreat to deep water in early winter. Especially [...]

Maximizing Your Electronic Views, by Brad Wiegmann

Anglers can select preset combos from the home page or quick select with the muli-function key pad 1-4. (Photo by Brad Wiegmann)   Maximizing Your Electronic Views by Brad Wiegmann   On a recent fishing trip, I had the pleasure of fishing with a guide that had only one sonar unit and no trolling motor. […]

16 States Represented on CrappieNOW Find-a-Guide Page, by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor

It’s always fun to find, and catch, fish on your own. But sometimes, especially when fishing “new water,” hiring a guide can be the difference between a tough day and a full stringer. (Photo: Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor)     16 States Represented on CrappieNOW Find-a-Guide Page by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor   Earlier this […]

The Great Outdoors, by Larry Whiteley

A CHRISTMAS STORY It was Christmas Eve morning. I decided to escape the hustle and bustle of Christmas and go crappie fishing. On this cold day, I know I will find my quarry congregated around brush piles and standing timber. When caught in winter’s cold water, they always taste better to me. I put on […]

Lure of the Month: Eye Hole Jig, by Terry Madewell

The eyes of a baitfish are a key component of any lure’s profile. But when those eyes double as a scent attractor, you’ve got “winner-winner, crappie-dinner” formula. The Crappie Magnet Eye Hole jig is the “Lure of the Month” for December, 2023 for multiple reasons. As a stand-alone jighead and hook, the Eye-Hole Jig is […]

CN – Tip of the Month – December Fishing for Crappie

Crappie Dan talks about how to fish for crappie in December.

CN Tip of the Month – Crappie Baits for December fishing

Crappie Dan talks about what baits he uses when fishing cold waters in December.
