January 2021

Have you heard the saying “If you take a child fishing, they will fish for life.”? It has been in print, in videos, social media etc. Is it true?
I don’t have all the survey data at my finger tips but seeing buying trends and meeting people on the water, in stores, at shows, seminars etc., I see the positive impacts of the actual application of doing it and doing it often. My personal experiences as a boy and with my children and now grandchildren prove to me it is an overwhelming truism.
The number of families fishing in 2020 during the COVID Pandemic has shown that taking our younger generations fishing, teaches family unity, respect for our environment, a way to release stress and the beauty of our country – freedom.
Crappie NOW How To – Video Tip: Avoiding Line Twist Respooling Line
Simple technique to prevent line twist when you’re respooling One of the most aggravating things a fisherman can experience is twisted monofilament. Sometimes a minor amount of line twist is unavoidable, but there is a simply technique when you are respooling new line to be sure you’re not causing that twisted line. CrappieNOW Editor Richard […]
Crappie NOW How To – Video Tip: Berkley Line Stripper
A very basic tip today about a simple piece of equipment. Stripping off old fishing line can be cumbersome, unless you have an inexpensive Berkley Line Stripper. It’s only $13 on Amazon. Easy to use, durable and it will strip 300 yards of line per minute. CrappieNOW Editor Richard Simms demonstrates. Always be SURE to […]
Weiss Lake – A Deep South Crappie Paradise, by Ed Mashburn
Weiss Lake crappie are eager to take anglers’ offerings, and they bite year-round. (Photo: Ed Masburn) Weiss Lake – A Deep South Crappie Paradise by Ed Mashburn Lake Weiss offers crappie anglers year-round opportunity for catching lots of big crappie. The long pole seemed to bend over double as something took my mini-jig […]
Waypoints: Laughing Heals the Soul
Here’s a tackle box full of the rigs that we are incapable of giving away on the water. Waypoints: Laughing Heals the Soul by Geremy Olson Learning to fish and live life WayPoint: Learning to accept a gift is harder than giving a gift. Learn to accept gifts is the starting point of […]
Recipes: Tips-n-Tricks to Cooking Crappie, by Vernon Summerlin
Recipes: Tips-n-Tricks to Cooking Crappie by Vernon Summerlin Lots of great crappie options It’s a New Year at CrappieNOW and we’ve got a boat-load of articles from experts in this issue to inspire you to bundle up for a trip into the cold to catch a platter full for supper. I’ll offer […]
Crappie Basics – Work as a Team on the Ice
Working as a team will increase your ice fishing odds. Initially everyone should spread out to locate areas holding fish. Then, once found, everyone can home in on the productive area. (Photo: Ken Perrotte) Crappie Basics Work as a Team on the Ice Our friends at Bass Pro provide some key tips for […]
Destination: Icing PA’s Presque Isle Bay Crappies, by Darl Black
Whether fishing for crappies in Misery Bay, Marina Lake or Head-of-the-Bay, you will also catch bluegills and yellow perch. Destination: Icing PA’s Presque Isle Bay Crappies by Darl Black A fishing trip to Presque Isle Bay can also be an educational experience on the history and ecology of Lake Erie. During the winter, […]
Crappie Action in Dead of Winter, by Tim Huffman
Sure, winter fishing can be cold, as far as the weather is concerned. But it can still provide hot crappie fishing. (Photo: Richard Simms) Crappie Action in Dead of Winter by Tim Huffman Crappie action isn’t dead just because the temperatures are frigid. Fishing can be good if a fisherman is prepared and able […]
THE GREAT OUTDOORS, by Larry Whiteley
THE GREAT OUTDOORS By Larry Whiteley WELCOME TO 2021 Welcome to 2021 and I hope it is a “New Year” in many ways. I hope it’s a year that politicians realize that they work for us the taxpayer and not for their own gain. I hope this year the news media discover that many of […]
Readers Respond to ‘Advanced Electronics’ Editorial
Advanced Electronics – Sonar, down-imaging, side-imaging, 360 and Livescope have all taken the fishing world by storm. Will high-tech advanced electronics lead to a decline in game fish populations? (Photo: Richard Simms) In our December issue, CrappieNOW Editor Richard Simms shared an editorial about the potential impact of high-tech electronics on fishing. Some well-known […]
Crappies in Overcoats, by Vernon Summerlin
Bob Latendresse shows us what Kentucky Lake offers anglers on a cold winter’s day. (Photo: Vernon Summerlin) Crappies in Overcoats by Vernon Summerlin Detailed tips for popular Tennessee lake Catching crappies in January can even be better than in the spring. They become tight-knit groups, more so than at other times of the […]
Crappie Basics – Cold-blooded Crappie, by Tim Huffman
In the winter crappie often find one good spot they like and hold there for days, or even weeks. Find those spots and Tim Huffman says winter can be the best time to consistently catch limits. (Photo: Richard Simms) Crappie Basics – Cold-blooded Crappie by Tim Huffman Everyone gets excited about springtime crappie fishing, […]