The eyes of a baitfish are a key component of any lure’s profile. But when those eyes double as a scent attractor, you’ve got “winner-winner, crappie-dinner” formula.
The Crappie Magnet Eye Hole jig is the “Lure of the Month” for December, 2023 for multiple reasons. As a stand-alone jighead and hook, the Eye-Hole Jig is incredibly diverse in how anglers can effectively utilize this lure.
The lure was born from the concept of designing a lure to hold scent more effectively. But the result was a lure with a multitude of crappie-fishing functions including scent, profile, and improved forward facing sonar returns.

Crappie Magnet owner Jeff Smith said the original idea for the eye hole jig came from Blake Phillips who, along with his wife Resee, fished crappie tournaments. Smith said although both were convinced that scent made a positive difference in the number of fish caught, Resee tired of having to replace the scent repeatedly after a caught fish or missed bite.
“Blake decided to make a jig with a hole in it that would hold more scent, and hold it longer,” Smith said. “And he succeeded.
“He approached Crappie Magnet to partner on the project and together we were able to work with him to improve the design, allowing the Eye Hole jig to be mass produced, thus reducing the cost.”
Smith said the jig can hold scent, such as Crappie Magnet’s Slab Bites scent, for up to an hour of crappie-catching before needing to be replenished.
That’s a leap forward, but the Eye Hole concept is more than a scent-holding jighead, it’s an entire series of jigheads that hold scent. It provides crappie-fishermen a tool-box of options to meet unique fishing situations.
“Crappie anglers encounter multiple crappie-fishing scenarios so we decided to make multiple styles of jighead shapes to provide flexibility in using scent, while enhancing the manner in which the jig can be fished,” Smith said.
Kris Mann, Director of Prostaff and Advertising for Crappie Magnet, said the jighead lineup includes the Round Head, Minnow Head, Hammer Head and Pill Head versions providing tremendous presentation and profile diversity.
“To complete the profile anglers can select whatever style of plastic trailer best suits the current fishing situation, while deploying scent as desired,” Mann said. “The Slab Magnet and Slab Curley are two of my favorite options.

“This diversity in eyehole jigheads is crucial because the first thing a crappie see when the lure approaches is the jighead,” Mann said. “With multiple shapes, and countless color combinations of heads and bodies, anglers have a vast resource of options.”
But the “Eye-Hole” jig keeps on giving, Mann said. Made in multiple sizes, because of the scent-holding hole, the jighead is also larger than other jigheads of similar weights, helpful when using forward-facing-sonar.
The ability to utilize the “Eye-Hole” jigs is restricted only by your imagination. Each unique jighead pattern creates different fall rates (speed), water displacement and technique diversification (casting, vertical, longlining, etc.) while allowing you the ability to employ any trailer profile and color you choose. Add the scent and it’s a package-deal.
For me, the appeal is to have options to connect with the crappie pattern of the day. I don’t always guess right the first time when deciphering the crappie-catching code, but I do appreciate having plenty of options to find that one, special pattern.
Terry Madewell of Ridgeway, S.C. has been an outdoor communicator for more than 45 years. He holds a degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Management and has a long career as a professional wildlife biologist/natural resources manager. He’s passionate about sharing outdoor adventures with others