The designer says the flat tail on the Guppy Gobbler allows fishermen to rig the bait two different ways for two different actions.
NEW PRODUCT: TopHat Jigs Guppy Gobbler
by Richard Simms
Someone is always trying to build a better mouse trap. The crappie jig market is no different and one new jig design is beginning to gain some traction.

TopHat Jigs owner/designer Derek Martin calls the “Guppy Gobbler” a one-of-a-kind jig design. (Watch the Video)
“What makes the Guppy Gobbler unique is its triangle tail design,” said Martin. “It is flat so you can rig it where the tail is flat like a mermaid, or you can rig it perpendicular to mimic a small baitfish. Not many baits, if any, can you rig two different ways for two different modes of action.”
Martin says he is hoping to get a design patent. He knows there is plenty of big-money competition out there in the world, but hopes his homegrown operation will make the big boys sit up and take notice someday.

“My hope is that TopHat Jigs becomes a top bait company on the fishing market. They have taken the crappie world by storm. I am in multiple bait stores in Illinois, also in Mississippi, Oklahoma, and more states to come,” he said. “The bait stores are already on their third order. As I write this, I am making 500 bags of baits that I got orders for yesterday.”
Martin is a farmer by trade. He says he spends many days working dawn to dusk in the field, then comes in to pour jigs until midnight. His dream is supported by his wife, Renee, and two sons, Dean and Reed.
“My hope is that TopHat Jigs becomes a top bait company on the fishing market.” ~ Derek Martin, Owner TopHat Jigs

“I have taken my love and passion for the outdoors and passed it on to my boys,” he said. “We hunt and fish every chance we get. Even though farming is my main job, the outdoors is my passion.”
Guppy Gobblers are $3.50 per 12-pack. Visit their website or Facebook page to learn more.