Dan Dannenmueller
Richard Simms
Tim Huffman
Matt Mullikin
Terry Madewell
Keith Lusher
Larry Whiteley
Keith Sutton
Brad Wiegmann
Lindsey Lucas
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Cover Photo Credit
They may be a little bit more trouble to rig up, but slip corks can provide a crappie angler a tremendous amount of versatility in the ability to present baits to shallow, spawning fish or those still hanging deep or all point in between.
Photo by Tim Huffman
The Opening Cast
Dan Dannenmueller
Well, the calendar says it is spring, but this month sure has been a mixed bag of warm and cold even here in the South. It not only has we humans confused but also the crappie.
One day, I am in my NorFin USA cold weather gear to keep warm on the water, and the next day I’m in shorts!
The crappie have been moving up only to be forced back to deeper water by the cold.
Hopefully by the time you read this we ‘ll be back in a consistent warm pattern. But when the weather goes volatile, you might ask how can you catch the crappie consistently with changing weather conditions. Here are a few recommendations:
- Don’t fish yesterday’s pattern, even if it was very successful. Fish each day as if it is the first day on the water.
- Change tactics, colors, depth throughout the day if the conditions change. Changes can include cloudy to full sun, wind changes, temperature changes, barometric pressure changes, water clarity, current, etc. I have learned through the use of Garmin Live scope that the fish usually won’t move that far and many times go to the bottom and sit when radical changes occur.
- Downsize the bait and/or slow down the approach. An aggressive crappie bite can be matched with casting and retrieving baits while passive crappie bites warrant vertical presentations such as jigging. When the fish are negative to biting, reduce presentation movements.
While there are many more, the recommendations above should help you. They have for me.
God bless and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!
Dan Dannenmueller – PUBLISHER