Dan Dannenmueller
Richard Simms
Tim Huffman
Matt Mullikin
Steve McCadams
Keith Lusher
Richard Hines
Larry Whiteley
Terry Madewell
Keith Sutton
Michael Giles
Brad Wiegmann
Larry Marek
Brent Frazee
Copyright © 2024 CrappieNow Online Magazine. A KMS, Inc. Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Cover Photo Credit
Unlike some other lakes in Mississippi, Barnett Reservoir in Ridgeland, MS has a daily creel limit of 30 crappie per angler with no size limit. However, as Guide Brad Chappell shows, there are plenty of big slabs waiting there for crappie anglers.
Photo by Richard Simms
ICAST 2024 is now in the history books. My lovely bride, Sue, and I attended and we have sore feet to prove it. The good news is that the number of vendors and new products were significantly up.
In recent years the number of vendors and attendees to ICAST have suffered due to COVID and the weakened economy. Disposable income for small companies and their fishing clientele has taken a hit. This year saw a big upswing, in my opinion, as new products and vendors appeared to reach out to a hopeful 2025.
Some of these key products for crappie fisher people are in the current August edition. This is by no means all of the great products that we found at the show. Many more are being posted on our Crappie Dan, Crappie Mates, CrappieNOW and Dan Dannenmueller Sr. social media channels.
I also recommend that you go to the ICAST 2024 New Products Showcase to see everything they highlighted. There are more than 900 new products that hit the fishing market this year. – including equipment, apparel, storage, new boat companies, sunglasses and much more.
Many the new products revealed at ICAST will not be available to the public until September or in some cases, the first quarter of 2025. But you can make your “want” lists now and follow up with your favorite vendors or retail chain to purchase it.
The bottom line – the sport is alive and well!!
God bless
Dan Dannenmueller – PUBLISHER