Dan Dannenmueller
Richard Simms
Tim Huffman
Matt Mullikin
Keith Sutton
Greg McCain
Brent Frazee
Larry Whiteley
Vernon Summerlin
Ken Perrotte
Brad Wiegmann
Lindsey Lucas
Phone: 334-285-1623
Email: info@catfishnow.com
Copyright © 2022 CrappieNow Online Magazine. A KMS, Inc. Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Cover Photo Credit
Mitch Glenn, owner of Pico Lures, was clearly in the Christmas spirit when he boated this nice December slab. (Photo by Tim Huffman, CrappieNOW Senior Writer)
As the end of 2022 quickly approaches, my head is spinning as to where did the time go! So much has happened in our sport of crappie fishing. I felt a quick recap of some really important impacts to both the sport, me personally and the progress in CrappieNOW publishing might be in order.
Post COVID has the fishing industry still going strong but back to pre-COVID license sales. Product delivery delays and back orders are now arriving to the smaller U.S. market. This creates a saturated market that is smaller at this time. Add in inflation, higher interest rates, outrageous gas prices and less household spendable cash, this creates a perfect storm.
On the tournament front, there is a lot of turbulence with trail buyouts at unusual mid-season times, decreased participation numbers, but increased pressure on famous crappie lakes and rivers. I believe the fish are getting smarter and smarter as the fishermen track them down with live technologies and increased pressure. New tournament formats and trails are blooming up for 2023 to give more opportunities to all fisher people. Sue and I will need to pick and choose the trails we will fish and will definitely be involved in the new National Crappie League along with a few from ACT and Crappie Masters.
Last and definitely not least, our CrappieNOW web and social media ezine platform is quickly growing. Our reach will exceed ten million for 2021 and 2022 by year’s end. We have expanded our social media channels, newsletter blasts, web format and presence while keeping an eye on what you, the reader, would like to know. We thank you! If it wasn’t cost prohibitive, we would also print the monthly ezine but it is unrealistic. We will continue to strive to give you the best how-to’s and destination information.
With passion for our sport and a zeal for fishing, I wish each of you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good fishing and God Bless,
Dan Dannenmueller, Publisher