Opening Cast – June 2022

Opening Cast


Dan Dannenmueller


Richard Simms


Tim Huffman


Matt Mullikin


Keith Sutton
Greg McCain
Brent Frazee
Larry Whiteley
Vernon Summerlin
Brad Wiegmann
Lindsey Lucas


Phone: 334-285-1623

Copyright © 2021 CatfishNow Online Magazine. A KMS, Inc. Company. All rights reserved.  Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Cover Photo Credit

John Harrison from B ‘n M prostaff flipping a Eyehole jig during the 2022 Alabama River Media Camp. (Photo: Matt Mullikin)

Dealing with Soaring Gas Prices

Today I sit drinking my morning cup of coffee and ponder the current fuel cost situation. What really is the cause? Why do we roll over and accept this? How can I save fuel and still tour on the circuits, fish for fun, and fish for work? Questions, questions, questions but, not many answers as to why.

Thanks to the Pecan Coffee I love; I woke up to a brainstorming session of some things I could share and recommend. I thought of some items that may help you and me continue to enjoy the fishing sport we love and always have FUN! They include:

  • Keep your tow vehicle in top maintenance condition. Keep your fuel filter, oil changes, and air filters clean and in top condition. Follow all periodic maintenance requirements. All these things will improve gas mileage. Use fuel additives to help boost octane and clean your engines and fuel systems.
  • Maintain your boat motor, fuel tanks, and other equipment in top condition. Boat motor manufacturers have published maintenance schedules that will not only prolong your engine but also save gas. Yamaha’s Outboard Maintenance Matters website and app provide the how-to videos, steps, and recommendations for their engines. They also have fuel additives and cleaners that will help improve fuel economy and quality.
  • Plan your trips to the lake and river carefully to minimize drive-time and on-the-water run times. Decrease your speed and your RPMs to maximize fuel economy. My Yamaha SHO 250 is very efficient at 4,000 RPMs. Find your most efficient speed and stick with it. It may take longer to arrive but it will extend your fishing time and trips.
  • Use gas apps to check on gas prices. I have found this extremely important for my diesel truck gas.


While this does not solve the overall issue of gas pricing, I hope it helps you and me continue to enjoy our passion for fishing.

Good luck fishing,

Dan Dannenmueller, Publisher
