Dan Dannenmueller
Richard Simms
Tim Huffman
Matt Mullikin
Steve McCadams
Keith Lusher
Richard Hines
Larry Whiteley
Terry Madewell
Keith Sutton
Brad Wiegmann
Larry Marek
Brent Frazee
Copyright © 2024 CrappieNow Online Magazine. A KMS, Inc. Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
Cover Photo Credit
Alabama fishing guide Brad Whitehead lands a nice crappie while his friend Ben Montgomery looks on. Isolated stumps, like the one where Whitehead caught this slab, are among the eight hotspots for June crappie in Keith Sutton’s “Tracking Down Nomad Crappie” article.
Photo by Keith Sutton
Every year CrappieNOW sponsors a media camp to develop content for the selected location tourism activities, sponsors and future how-to videos, reels, articles, etc. This year we gathered at Barnett Reservoir – often known as “The Rez” to locals – in Ridgeland, MS.
It was the biggest media camp we have ever held with 33 attendees from numerous states and capabilities. Some of the best writers, videographers, crappie and catfish pros, social media experts and drone-fliers attended this fun and super rewarding event.
If you plan a trip to fish and take in some southern history, this is the place. The lake is one of the best crappie lakes in the country. Some of the best guides in the country, such as Brad Chappell, call this home. There are abundant museums, bike trails and award-winning restaurants in Ridgeland. There is something for the whole family.
If you are a southern food lover, the taste of the south is everywhere such as seafood, barbeque, etc. Primos should be one of your picks. On the water, try Cock of the Walk. They have great seafood.
In this month’s CrappieNOW edition we will begin highlighting Ridgeland and all the great tips and techniques for crappie and catfish beginners we developed at the camp. Numerous social media posts now and into the future will relate back to this wonderful experience.
A big thank you to Michael Jones, Visit Mississippi director, and the two wonderful ladies with Explore Ridgeland, Kelly Durrett and Crystal Pham. Their hospitality was beyond reproach.
God bless and Good luck fishing!
Dan Dannenmueller – PUBLISHER