This recipe is from an old Army cookbook, dated August 27, 1946. Dwight David Eisenhower was listed in the cookbook as Chief of Staff.
Yield: 300 servings, approximately 5 ounces each.
Fish Fillets 90 pounds
Salt 7- ½ ounces
Pepper ¾ ounce
Eggs 54
Milk 3 pints
Bread Crumbs 6 pounds
1. Cut fish into serving size pieces.
2. Dip fish in mixture of egg, milk, salt, and pepper.
3. Roll fish in bread crumbs.
4. Fry in deep fat, heated to 375 degrees F (a temperature at which a piece of day old bread will brown in 60 seconds) for 4 to 6 minutes or until brown.
5. Drain on absorbent paper.
6. Serve immediately with a sauce.