Don’t ever walk on ice unless you know it is at least four inches thick.
Crappie Basics – Stay Safe on the Ice
You will find some great ice fishing tips in this edition of CrappieNOW!.

However, every year we hear tragic stories of accidents on the ice. YouTube is filled with video of sad, if not deadly, incidents. We would be remiss if we didn’t share some tips to commit to memory. And remember that knowing the rules doesn’t matter unless you actually follow them.
The experts say people should never walk onto the ice until it is at least four inches thick. And always be aware if there might be flowing water underneath the ice that will create thin spots.
The experts say five inches of ice will support most snowmobiles or ATV’s but never drive a car or truck onto the ice until it is a minimum of eight inches thick, preferably more.
These guidelines are for new, clear solid ice. Many factors other than thickness can cause ice to be unsafe. Double the above thickness guidelines when traveling on white ice to ensure ice safety.
Learn more on the Minnesota DNR website.