Feb 2025



Recently, my mom passed away and is with all of Sue and I’s family in heaven.  It was a painful time and one I can never forget. Her passing has pushed me to reminisce about the good years with our families.


Destination: Alabama’s Bear Creek Lakes

by Greg McCain

Esteemed American poet Robert Frost likely never traveled through Northwest Alabama, but the areas surrounding the Bear Creek lakes of Franklin County certainly could have served as inspiration for the poem “The Road Not Taken.”

Do Lower Limits Equal Bigger Crappie?

by Brent Frazee

Picture those old photos of fishermen posing with massive piles of crappie. Those of us who are old enough remember places with a daily creel limit of 60 crappie per person, or even no limits!

Finding Crappie 365 Days a Year

by Tim Huffman

Tournaments prove that even the best fishermen can have trouble solving the puzzle of finding and catching crappie. However, using solid rules of thumb and paying attention to key factors can increase chances of finding fish and having a successful day anytime of the year.

New State Records Set in Ohio & Minnesota

by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor

Axel Angelow, only 8-years old at the time, has set the new state record for black crappie. Minnesota Fish & Wildlife officials said Angelow, from Faribault, MN, caught this 18-inch, 3-pound and 13-ounce black crappie out of Cedar Lake in late October. The fish broke the previous certified weight state record by four ounces.

Biggest Crappie Ever Caught on Camera

by Richard Simms CrappieNOW Editor

Last month we shared information about ice fishing guide Adam Griffith and the YouTube Channel, Crappie Chronicles. The crew specializes in targeting only trophy crappie under the ice, mostly in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Crappie Magnet Hammer

by Terry Madewell

Crappies are targeted year-round, but when the calendar flips to February, hardcore crappie anglers get slab-excited. The papermouths may still be in deep water, and may not always be wildly active, but ‘the southern pre-spawn journey is coming.

Crappie Spawn Preview: What to Expect and How to Prepare

by Keith Sutton

While the dates will vary some, depending upon where you live, Spring marks the crappie spawn – a time when America’s favorite panfish lure anglers to the water in droves. All are dreaming of the promise of easy catches and full coolers.

The Great Outdoors

Are Cold Crappie Worth It?

by Larry Whiteley

A young friend of mine has a crappie fishing guide business. During Spring, Summer, Fall, and early Winter, he is busy guiding his paying clients out to catch fish. I hardly ever see or hear from him unless he sends me pictures of his clients holding stringers full of crappie.

Crappie Dan talks about how to read your live scope.
