February 2023



With most of us shivering in our boots as winter takes another plunge at us, south in Florida, spring is almost sprung!  This means the crappie (speck) spawn is pressing forward.

How To Slip Cork

Crappie Dan talks about slip corking and how to set up your equipment.

When to Use the Team Crappie Crappie Tamer

Crappie Dan talks about Team Crappie Crappie Tamer. Check out more fishing resources at crappienow.com! CrappieNOW is an unequaled online-only crappie fishing magazine aimed at passionate crappie anglers from all skill levels. Readers can search for information on new crappie fishing tips, techniques, destinations, equipment, tackle, tournaments, and the latest news from industry-leading professionals.

Tips to Catch February Crappie

Perhaps in honor of Valentine’s Day, Reel Deal columnist Lindsey Lucas could resist giving her crappie a little kiss. Fishing with her Dad, Kody (left), and CrappieNOW publisher Dan Dannenmueller, they found some cold winter crappie.                 Quick and Easy Winter Crappie by Lindsey Lucas   It’s that […]

Hot Pot Crappie Chowder

Hot Pot Crappie Chowder by Vernon Summerlin   (Editor’s Note: With great sadness, we share that CrappieNOW’s resident chef, Vernon Summerlin, is retiring. Vernon has been bringing us top-notch crappie recipes for more than a decade but he’s decided it’s time to write less and hopefully fish more. For his final CrappieNOW recipe, Vernon brings […]

The Great Outdoors

THE 80 DAYS OF FEBRUARY Let me see, how does that old saying go? Thirty days hath September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 except February. It has 80. Well, that is not exactly right, but it sometimes seems like February is the longest month of the year even though it is […]

Electronics by Wiegmann

The new Lowrance Pro is capable of doing two simultaneous views at the same time on the same unit. Next Generation Marine Electronics Unveiled by Brad Wiegmann Like many things in the electronics arena, marine electronics continue to advance by leaps and bounds every year. The next surge of new products was released by Lowrance [...]

Learning from the Past

Chris Hanson (left) and Darren Troseth show off their black crappie catch from Upper Red Lake in 2007.   The History of the Red Lake Crappie Boom by Scott Mackenthun What can we learn from the past? Minnesota’s Red Lake is an incredible walleye fishery situated in northwestern Minnesota on land held by two sovereign […]

Catching Cold Water Crappie

TJ Todd says super-slow presentations are critical if a fisherman wants to catch cold water crappie. (Photo: Tim Huffman)   Cold Water Crappie Action by Tim Huffman “I have to drop it down on them and hold it for 30 seconds before they’ll hit it.”   “February is the best time to get out and […]

Questions NOT to Ask a Guide

Fishing guides are, or at least should be, highly experienced anglers with lots of great answers to the hardest fishing questions. But sometimes potential clients seem to think guides might have a crystal ball and actually be able to see into the future.   Crappie Basics: Questions to NOT Ask a Fishing Guide by Richard […]

Winter Bluffs

Most anglers equate bobber fishing with shallow water. But Kyle Lasater demonstrates how he uses slip bobbers to pull crappie from 20 feet deep.   Crappie Basics: Slip Bobbers on the Bluffs If like to catch crappie in February but aren’t sure where to start, odds are one of the best places to begin is [...]

Choosing Your First Tackle Box

The ideal tackle box or bag includes storage space for all the lures, hooks, bobbers, sinkers and other fishing paraphernalia an angler might need during a day on the water. (Photo: Keith Sutton)   How to Stuff a Crappie Tackle Box By Keith Sutton “A coffee can will suffice, although you may want something even […]

Ultra Ultralight

Wayne Blanchard displayed one of the crappies he caught on 2-pound test line. (Photo: Brent Frazee)   Opt in for ULTRA Ultralights on Wintertime Crappie Quests By Brent Frazee “The fish don’t care how cold it is. They’ll still bite.”   This wasn’t fishing weather. The temperature had dropped like a rock and a cold […]
