Jan 2022


Confession time – I am Southern, born and bred. That means two things.

I pronounce crappie as “CROP-ee,” as opposed to folks from other parts of the country who pronounce it “CRAP-ee.”

And for me, crappie can be singular OR plural – as in “I caught a crappie today,” OR “I a caught a whole bunch of crappie today.” I suspect lots of our readers, at least those also from the South, do likewise.

Crappie Tips from an Outlaw

While many crappie fishermen are hunting deer during the winter, and there’s less fishing pressure on the lakes, Whitey Outlaw says he can catch limits of good-sized crappie.   How to Catch Wintertime Crappie by Whitey Outlaw with John E. Phillips   Whitey Outlaw is a third-generation crappie fisherman and longtime tournament crappie angler, who […]

Missouri Sports Hall of Fame

CrappieNOW columnist Larry Whiteley will be inducted in the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame on Feb. 6.   CrappieNOW Columnist Larry Whiteley to be Inducted in Missouri Sports Hall of Fame     SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Longtime CrappieNOW columnist Larry Whiteley is being inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame. Whiteley is among numerous […]

New Year Crappie Resolutions

It’s no secret that being quiet is very important. The longer the pole, the better the chance of not spooking a crappie before the bait gets to him. A 14-foot pole is a good all-around slow-trolling pole.     Great Tips for the New Year by Tim Huffman     Where many used to avoid […]

Vernon’s Recipes

Creole Crappie Nuggets by Vernon Summerlin   Creole Crappie Nuggets & Tartar-Dill Dipping Sauce 2 pounds crappie fillets cut into 1 1/2-inch chunks 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup ground cornmeal 2 tablespoons Cajun Creole seasoning 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne) 1 egg Salt 1/4 cup […]

Cold Water Crappie

Winter anglers may have to dig deep in their tackle to devise ways to catch finicky cold-water crappie. (Photo: Keith Sutton)     6 Ways to Catch More Cold-Water Crappie by Keith Sutton Don’t let winter weather put a damper on your crappie fishing. The following hints can help you catch more slabs under frigid […]

Hard Baits

One of Chad Schut’s favorite winter hard baits is the Salmo Chubby Darter. He often tips the lead hook with a minnow head.     Hard Baits for Winter Crappie by Mike Gnatkowski Go Hard When Plastics Fizzle     Day-in, day-out, summer, winter, spring or fall – soft plastics are the go-to bait for […]

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors by Larry Whiteley   A CHANGING WORLD  The past two years the world has changed dramatically. A pandemic had a lot to do with that. So did politics and many other things I don’t want to go into. I am sure we will see even more changes in 2022. Some will be […]

Electronics by Wiegmann

  The Exploding World of Electronic Marine Mounts by Brad Wiegmann   (Editor’s Note: Please welcome writer, photographer and crappie fishing expert extraordinaire, Brad Wiegmann, to the elite stable of CrappieNOW Magazine contributors. Every month Wiegmann will be providing the absolute latest and greatest information on the ever-changing world of fishing electronics.)     Did […]

Stay Safe

Don’t ever walk on ice unless you know it is at least four inches thick. Crappie Basics – Stay Safe on the Ice You will find some great ice fishing tips in this edition of CrappieNOW!. However, every year we hear tragic stories of accidents on the ice. YouTube is filled with video of sad, […]

Nick Linder Favorites

In some areas this year, the ice was slow to thicken up. But by now most hard water anglers are exploring. Nick Linder shares some of his favorite lures when fishing early ice.   Crappie Basics – Best Baits Fishing Early Ice   Born into the legendary Linder family, Nick Lindner grew up with a […]

Major Merger Cancelled

Sportsman’s Warehouse – Bass Pro Merger Cancelled by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor   Many area outdoorsmen and women were shocked when the news broke a year ago of a potential merger between Bass Pro and Sportsman’s Warehouse. However, that deal has now been cancelled. Sportsman’s Warehouse and Great Outdoors Group LLC (Bass Pro owners) opted […]

Crappie NOW How To – Storage Tips by Crappie Dan

Crappie tackle storage comes in many forms, soft packs, plastic boxes, water tight boxes, leader packs and treys. Sorting through all the options can be overwhelming. Crappie Dan gives some of his choices in this video.

Crappie NOW How To -New 2022 BnM Poles 75 Anniversary Diamond Series Jigging Rod

B’n’M Poles has introduced some new rods for their 75th Anniversary. One of which targets the crappie fisherman that likes to pitch and vertical jig for crappie. The new 14.2 length rod allows for all these techniques. Don’t let the length fool you, it is not heavy but yet strong. It is a beautiful rod […]
