Hello everyone, spring has arrived for almost everyone and fishing is in full swing. It’s time to go out and have fun fishing and learn something new every day to expand your knowledge and skills. Expanding our knowledge involves obtaining info by reading, web research, digital content, videos as well as trying out what you learn by spending time on the water and practicing.
One source for learning is our ezine. CrappieNOW includes all the varied types of how-to content for beginners and advanced anglers as well. It is open 24/7 at www.crappienow.com. Other sources include clubs and associations which you can join to enjoy their benefits.
Crappie Basics 2 – May Flowers Mean Something
Spider-rigging multiple rods of the front of the boat is a tried-and-true crappie technique all across the country. In a the post-spawn period, it’s a great way to cover lots of water. (Photo: Richard Simms) Crappie Basics – May Flowers Mean Something What to do in May? A while back CrappieNOW.com asked some […]
Survey Results on Lowering Crappie Tournament Limits, by Richard Simms, Editor
Among anglers in our survey who said they do fish in crappie tournaments, the overwhelming majority said they believe limits should be reduced from the standard seven fish down to five fish. Survey Results on Lowering Crappie Tournament Limits by Richard Simms, Editor In the April Issue of CrappieNOW, we included an editorial opinion […]
The Great Outdoors, by Larry Whiteley
WHAT’S SO GREAT ABOUT FISHING? Fishing is the one sport in the world where someone who takes the time to learn small things, and practices them can compete equally with anyone else. Someone in an aluminum boat with a tiller motor wearing cut-off blue jeans, a Bass Pro cap and a dirty t-shirt can sometimes […]
High Water Crappie Tactics, by Tim Huffman
Charles Bunting gets back into a brushy, shallow pocket to find some high-water fish. Slow trolling and jigging using LiveScope are two great techniques. High Water Crappie Tactics by Tim Huffman Don’t let high water scare you away A spring cold front with heavy rains followed by high water… every fisherman’s nightmare. Crappie […]
Light it Up to Create Your Own Food Chain, by Scott MacKenthun
Vermont crappie guide Capt. James Vladyka swears by Hydroglow lights to attract crappie. Light it Up to Create Your Own Food Chain by Scott MacKenthun One crappie guide shares his nighttime crappie secret All crappie are stimulated by changing light levels, particularly at dawn and dusk, a phenomenon known as crepuscular activity. These […]
Recipes: Crappie Cooked with Fiery Air, by Vernon Summerlin
Whoo-eee, hot air! I never thought one of those new-fangled fryers would woo and win me, but I’ve always been a late bloomer. Remember those 8-track players? I didn’t catch on to them until they were on the way out yielding to cassettes. Guess who waited until old-fashioned vinyl was back in style before I […]
Catching Crappie After the Spawn, by Ron Wong
Travis Bullock with daughter, Keegan with some post-spawn slabs from Missouri’s Truman Lake. Catching Crappie After the Spawn by Ron Wong New fishing time, new techniques No matter what body of water you fish, after crappie spawn, generally in shallower water, they are going to move to cover or structure. That’s where they will […]
CrappieNOW “How to” Video: Different Depths on the Troll
When you haven’t been fishing a lot lately and you are unsure how crappie are holding, it’s always a good idea to begin your day with varied presentations. In this case, CrappieNOW Editor Richard Simms is setting different lure depths in search for pre-spawn or spawning crappie in relatively shallow water.
CrappieNOW “How to” Video: Don’t Ignore the Ponds
Most crappie anglers across the country frequent major reservoirs when in pursuit of crappie. However, they might be driving right past some of the best crappie fishing they can ever find. Wired2Fish Editor, Walker Smith and fishing buddy Ethan Roberson visit a small lake and present a simple and affordable crappie system that will fill [...]
Waypoints: Success
When our outboard failed us, we had a lot of fun that fall fishing in the canoes. Waypoints: Success Learning to fish and live life. by Geremy Olson WayPoints: Hope is a seed that sprouts and grows character in difficult times. A couple years back we hit the water to take advantage of […]
Crappie Basics 1 – May Flowers Mean Something
Some crappie anglers consider live bait “cheating.” But look in EVERY professional crappie angler’s boat and you are likely to see a cooler full of minnows. Sometimes they catch crappie when nothing else will. (Photo: Richard Simms) Crappie Basics – May Flowers Mean Something May is a tough month to write about for […]
Eric Cagle HH Rods Prostaff on Post Spawn Fish
Eric Cagle and Wade McDonald operate C&M guide Service in Central Alabama. They guide on Lakes: Martin. Jordan. Mitchell and the Alabama River. They have been competing in tournaments for 2 years now with Central Alabama Crappie Club and with Crappie Masters tournament Trail. These 2 have held the Angler team of the year trophy [...]
Eric Cagle HH Rods and Reels Prostaff
Eric Cagle and Wade McDonald operate C&M guide Service in Central Alabama. They guide on Lakes: Martin. Jordan. Mitchell and the Alabama River. They have been competing in tournaments for 2 years now with Central Alabama Crappie Club and with Crappie Masters tournament Trail. These 2 have held the Angler team of the year trophy [...]