August 2024



ICAST 2024 is now in the history books.  My lovely bride, Sue, and I attended and we have sore feet to prove it.  The good news is that the number of vendors and new products were significantly up.   [READ MORE]

Kansas Crappie Fishing Treasure, by Brent Frazee

Toby Leavendusky was all smiles after using his forward-facing sonar to catch some big crappies during a summer trip to Hillsdale Lake in northeast Kansas. (Photo: Brent Frazee) Kansas Crappie Fishing Treasure by Brent Frazee Think of the state of Kansas and most folks envision massive rolling fields of wheat – a dry state where […]

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Days Crappie, by Keith Sutton

Tight-lipped summer crappie can usually be coaxed to bite if you try some special tricks. (Photo: Keith Sutton)   The Ultimate Guide to Dog Days Crappie by Keith Sutton   Unlike many people believe, Dog Days have nothing to do with lazy dogs lying in the shade. The ancient Greeks actually coined the phrase after […]

What’s Hot at ICAST 2024, by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor

What’s Hot at ICAST 2024 by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor ICAST, the world's largest fishing tackle show, wrapped up a week ago in Orlando, Fla. The annual show of the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades, is the largest fishing tackle show in the world – typically featuring every new fishing product made, so far [...]

Mastering Crappie on Unfamiliar Waters, by Michael O. Giles

Steve Brown displays a couple of slab crappie he caught on Ross Barnett Reservoir in Ridgeland, MS – the very first time Brown had ever visited the lake. (Photo: Michael O. Giles) Mastering Crappie on Unfamiliar Waters by Michael O. Giles Steve Brown studied his Garmin LiveScope intently, spotting a school of crappie surrounding a [...]

Electronics: To Zoom or not to Zoom, by Brad Wiegmann

Bottom lock can be used to zoom in on the bottom layer when searching for fish or baitfish.  (Photo by Brad Wiegmann)   Electronics: To Zoom or not to Zoom by Brad Wiegmann   To zoom or not to zoom, that is the question. Modern electronics offer users the capability to “zoom in” on your […]

Lure of the Month: Grape Ape, by Terry Madewell

Lure of the Month: Grape Ape by Terry Madewell Lake Eufaula Crappie guide Ryan Nix says the Grape Ape, a lure he helped design and then manufactured by Brush Pile Baits, is his most consistent slab-producer. (Contributed Photo) Have you ever pondered what your personal crappie fishing lure would look like? Our crappie-fishing world is [...]

Simple Steps to Better Fishing, by Tim Huffman

CrappieNOW Editor Richard Simms is also a professional fishing guide. He knows all the tricks of the trade. But when taking his 3-year-old grandson fishing, he knows it is critical to keep it simple. (Photo: Priscilla Simms-Roberson)   Simple Steps to Better Fishing by Tim Huffman These days many anglers are learning that a kayak [...]

The Great Outdoors, by Larry Whiteley

FISHING BUDDY Six-year-old Hudson is excited. He is going crappie fishing with Papa Larry for the first time today. His fishing partner is not his real Grandpa. He lives next door. Hudson has called him Papa Larry since he was little. They loaded the coolers, snacks, and fishing equipment in the truck and were away […]

CN- How To with Ron Stallings

Ron Stallings talks about the new Team Crappie bait that was just released at the 2024 ICAST show.
