Wow, this year is moving so fast, I can’t believe it is summer already. The weather has been so non summer like in many parts of the country. Hot one day, cool the next. The crappie fishing has been on a roller coaster as well but most of us are in post spawn.
I look forward to crappie fishing in July. The crappie is usually in the mood to eat regularly and pulling crankbaits and Roadrunners is on. Crappie of all sizes will be following schools of baitfish along ledges and creek channels.
Hot July Fishing & Fun Family Destinations
Steve Brown (right) and his B’n’M Pro Staff partner, Gerald Overstreet, show off four good reasons anglers would enjoy a visit to Elmore County to fish the Alabama River. (Photo: Richard Simms) Alabama River Summer Crappie by Tim Huffman Mixing a fishing trip with family vacation can be exciting and memorable. In May […]
A silver lining to the COVID pandemic
Fishing guide Lee Pitts swings a bragging-sized crappie aboard fishing the Alabama River recently during a CrappieNOW Writer’s Camp. Pitts says there has been an almost overwhelming demand for his services since the COVID pandemic hit last year. (Photo: Richard Simms) COVID: There is a Silver Lining by Richard Simms It has been a […]
Crappie Basics – Chumming for Crappie
Well-known outdoor writer Keith “Catfish” Sutton says the next time you are cleaning crappie, save and store some fish scales. He says those scales may help “fire up” the crappie on your favorite brushpile. Crappie Basics – An off-the-wall technique It is definitely not a technique you hear about often, but well-known outdoor […]
Crappie Basics – Release the Beast
John Godwin of Duck Dynasty fame says his love for crappie fishing has overtaken, and maybe passed, his love for duck hunting. (Photo: Richard Simms) Crappie Basics – John Godwin has a request John Godwin, former star of the popular Duck Dynasty TV show, has become an avid professional crappie angler – and […]
The Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors by Larry Whiteley THREE GENERATIONS It was the afternoon of July 4th as the pontoon boat pulled away from the dock. An American flag hung from the bow blowing gently in the breeze. A family of three generations of soldiers were celebrating Independence Day by going out crappie fishing. The father […]
One jig you can rig two different ways for two different actions
The designer says the flat tail on the Guppy Gobbler allows fishermen to rig the bait two different ways for two different actions. NEW PRODUCT: TopHat Jigs Guppy Gobbler by Richard Simms Someone is always trying to build a better mouse trap. The crappie jig market is no different and one new […]
Northern crappie fishing at its best
Ken Smith (left) and buddy Tim Odem enjoy a rainy morning of crappie fishing on Mosquito Lake. Destination: Mosquito Creek Lake, Ohio by Darl Black Mosquito Creek Lake in northeast Ohio is part of the Ohio/PA crappie triad – one of three outstanding crappie-producing waters near the border of these two states. Pymatuning […]
Put out the lights, the party’s just beginning
Florida crappie guide Jack Smith with Georgia Carter Turner and a nice West Volusia, FL nighttime slab. (Photo: Ron Presley) Living the Crappie Night Life by Ron Presley Hot summer temperatures make for uncomfortable crappie fishing. However, there is an easy solution to the problem – fish at night! There is more than comfort […]
Recipes: Thymed Crappie Nuggets, by Vernon Summerlin
Eastern Mediterranean countries grew thyme, an aromatic herb in the mint family Lamiaceae, for centuries before modern times. Now, dozens of varieties are available but those interested in the best culinary thymes have only a fistful of choices. The most commonly cultivated for culinary purposes is Thymus vulgaris. Those best for flavor, as well […]
Waypoints: Be Kind
There are written rules and regulations for anglers in many situations. However there are also unwritten rules that can be more difficult to follow. Waypoints: Be Kind Learning to fish and live life. by Geremy Olson WayPoint: When you take the time to be kind instead of right, you help people grow. As […]
CrappieNOW Columnist Releases New Book
Larry Whiteley shares touching and compelling stories about God, Family, God and The Great Outdoors Many of you have been reading Larry Whiteley’s wonderful columns in CrappieNOW for years. Now Whiteley has compiled his favorite stories into a new book titled “Seasons.” We consider it a “must read.” Generally, this will be a […]