June 2024



Every year CrappieNOW sponsors a media camp to develop content for the selected location tourism activities, sponsors and future how-to videos, reels, articles, etc.  This year we gathered at Barnett Reservoir – often known as “The Rez” to locals – in Ridgeland, MS.

It was the biggest media camp we have ever held with 33 attendees from numerous states and capabilities.  Some of the best writers, videographers, crappie and catfish pros, social media experts and drone-fliers attended this fun and super rewarding event.   [READ MORE]

Ridgeland, MS – Barnett Reservoir Host CrappieNOW Media Camp, by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW Editor

Crappie guide Brad Chappell shows of a Barnett Reservoir slab. Overall, he says “The Rez” might produce smaller crappie than the trophies found in Grenada and Sardis to the north, but it makes up for it in numbers. (Photo: Richard Simms)   Ridgeland, MS - Barnett Reservoir Host CrappieNOW Media Camp by Richard Simms, CrappieNOW [...]

A Grand Place to Fill Your Livewell, by Brent Frazee

His hat is appropriate as crappie guide Haydn Williams is often “On ‘em” as he fishes boat docks on Grand Lake o’ the Cherokees in Oklahoma to catch big crappies. (Photo: Brent Frazee)   A Grand Place to Fill Your Livewell by Brent Frazee   Haydn Williams looked at the screen of the forward-facing sonar […]

Tracking Down Nomad Crappie, by Keith Sutton

Visible stumps are hotspots that should never be ignored by a crappie angler any time of year. But not all stumps are created equal. You may have to fish a bunch of different stumps to find the one that for some reason, holds fish. (Photo: Keith Sutton)   Tracking Down Nomad Crappie by Keith Sutton […]

Cranking Crappies on Chickamauga Lake, by Terry Madewell

Capt. Scott Lilly employs planer boards to place the Boogie Shad 5 away from the boat in the clear water conditions of summer. (Photo: Terry Madewell)   Cranking Crappies on Chickamauga Lake by Terry Madewell I arrived at the Chester Frost Park boat ramp on Chickamauga Lake early, planning to sip coffee and watch a […]

New Godwin Crappie Caster

Duck Dynasty star and B’m’M Prostaffer John Godwin is proud of a new crappie rod he helped develop – the Godwin Crappie Caster - to be released this Fall. (Photo: Richard Simms)   New Godwin Crappie Caster At the 2024 CrappieNOW Media Camp held in Ridgeland, MS on Barnett Reservoir in May, Duck Dynasty star [...]

Lure of the Month: Game Changer Bait Crappie Fry, by Terry Madewell

  Lure of the Month: Game Changer Bait Crappie Fry by Terry Madewell Competition in the crappie fishing lure market is high and the result for crappie fishermen is an ever-growing opportunity to upgrade equipment and tackle. Lure designers competing in this high-energy market must blend a combination of factors to produce lures that compete […]

Guide to Pulling Jigs, by Tim Huffman

Guide Brad Chappell displays a nice fish taken by pulling jigs at Grenada Lake, Mississippi. He says this is an easy, productive way to catch fish and enjoy a day in the boat. (Photo: Tim Huffman)   Guide to Pulling Jigs by Tim Huffman Winter, summer, spring or fall, many crappie anglers love pulling jigs […]

CN How To: Crappie Dan and Kris Mann put together a Mossback

Crappie Dan and Kris Mann put together a Mossback Fish Habitat at this year media camp on Barnett Reservoir. 2 mossbacks were placed in the lake for fish habitats that will last a lifetime.

The Great Outdoors, by Larry Whiteley

A FATHER’S DAY FISHING TRIP He awoke from a good night’s sleep and lay in his tent listening to owls hooting and crickets chirping. It was Father’s Day and his thoughts were about his Dad. “Haven’t done that in a long time,” he said to himself. He left his sleeping bag, put on some clothes, […]

Networking Multiple Sonar/GPS Units, by Brad Wiegmann

Lowrance uses yellow Ethernet network ports to connect multiple sonar/GPS units. (Photo by Brad Wiegmann)   Networking Multiple Sonar/GPS Units by Brad Wiegmann Just how easy is it to network two or three sonar/GPS units together so they actually “talk to each other?” Not nearly as difficult as many anglers imagine. By connecting multiple sonar/GPS […]
